Massage Schools
In the field of Natural Healthcare, massage is the fastest growing segment. In the United States alone there are almost one thousand massage schools and training courses. Massage is now being taught in community colleges with serious interest from both state and private universities. Many schools are accredited and offer PELL grants and student loans through the Federal Government. The big question is always, “Where do I go to learn massage?” There is no simple answer. Over 100 massage techniques are available to you. You should receive several massages to see which technique best suits you.
Before you choose a massage school you should interview some of their graduates. Massage education requires a large investment. Do your homework before you spend your money. We need all the massage professionals we can train, however over half of those who graduate from massage schools quit within a year because they did not do any research and do not feel confident with their particular technique.
A brief apprenticeship with a successful massage professional is an excellent way to see if you really want to practice massage. Ask a massage professional you respect to apprentice you. Expect to pay their regular hourly rate for a few hours of training. You will know very quickly if a massage career is for you.
Schools are listed by state in alphabetical order.